Deck Restoration

Deck Cleaning, Sealing, and Staining
A deck is a wonderful asset to your property. Refresh the appearance, safety, and structural integrity of yours with our professional deck cleaning services.
Deck Cleaning
Utilize our deck pressure washing services to remove stains and eliminate the buildup of mold, mildew, and algae. We’ll improve the curb appeal of your property and leave you with a deck that you can be confident is safe, clean, and structurally sound for your family and guests.
Deck Restoration
Our deck restoration services follow a three-step process to provide maximum protection and aesthetic improvement to your deck. We start with pressure washing to eliminate stains and buildup. Next, we prep the wood for stains and sealants with a pH-restoring wood brightener. Finally, we apply a coat of stain or sealant for an even, fade-free finish that will remain gorgeous for years to come.